Queen Catherine the Great of Russia loved to smoke fine cigars. In order to avoid soiling her fingertips, she invented a version of the first cigar band. In her case, the bands were made of silk and imprinted with the royal crest.
Still, other sources suggest that a European named Gustave Bock popularized the cigar band in the early 19th century due to the emergence of a trade in counterfeit Havana cigars, where cheaper, German-made cigars were being passed off as Cuban cigars. This was the reason for the advent of uniquely styled cigar bands, each type and style registered with the Cuban government. This practice assured the authenticity of Cuban cigars to buyers.
Fine cigars with beautiful bands may be obtained online. Try a La Aurora Preferidos Cameroon Platinum cigar for excellent band and body.
Still, other sources suggest that a European named Gustave Bock popularized the cigar band in the early 19th century due to the emergence of a trade in counterfeit Havana cigars, where cheaper, German-made cigars were being passed off as Cuban cigars. This was the reason for the advent of uniquely styled cigar bands, each type and style registered with the Cuban government. This practice assured the authenticity of Cuban cigars to buyers.
Fine cigars with beautiful bands may be obtained online. Try a La Aurora Preferidos Cameroon Platinum cigar for excellent band and body.
hey,i like your blog,it is nice.Now-a-days there are several beautiful designs of cigar and smoking pipes in the market.You can also see a beautiful collection of smoking pipes.
Great post! cigar used by a person show their royalty in a public.People more often try to use attractive cigar according to their needs.A different variety of cigar available in the market.Thanks for the post.
Juan Lopez Cigars
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